Saturday, September 10, 2011

A video of our Ethan

Just thought I'd share a little video of the cutest baby ever:

He's been rolling over since he was between 5 and 6 weeks old, and we have lots of videos of good rollovers on our video camera, from which we can't yet post videos. This rollover isn't one of his good ones, but I like the video because I just think he's so stinking cute. He's 8 weeks old here.


  1. Aaah! He is so stinking cute! I love his big brown eyes! Could those be from his mamma? What a lucky woman you are! And talk about a baby who's ahead of the game! He's been rolling over since he was 5 weeks? That's awesome! My little boy is not very ambitious when it comes to rolling over... haha. Right now he's more interested in blabbing and talking. ha

  2. His eyes are actually a really dark blue - but they give the impression of brown from far off because you don't expect blue eyes to be so dark. They're blue, is the only way I can think to describe them.

    Your baby is so adorable. I love him. YAY BABIES!!

  3. He is super, super cute! Way to make him. :)
